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Background of the study: While the pursuit of same-sex marriage was not initially a primary objective of the LGBT movement during the 1970s, it swiftly emerged as a focal point on the movement's agenda as the new century unfolded, garnering significant attention not only in the United States but also in numerous other advanced societies. The advocacy for the recognition of same-sex marriage is an integral component of a global movement with widespread implications. The Netherlands, in the year 2000, emerged as the pioneering nation to embrace the legalisation of same-sex marriage. Subsequently, a multitude of countries spanning Western Europe, North America, and South America, alongside the nation of South Africa, followed suit in this progressive endeavour. As of the commencement of 2013, within the United States, a total of nine states and the District of Columbia had enacted legislation to legalise the union of individuals of the same gender, commonly referred to as same-sex marriage. Furthermore, an additional four states acknowledged and validated same-sex marriages that were solemnised in other states (Kahn, 1989).

While subject to dissent among certain activists within the LGBT movement, the advocacy for same-sex marriage has emerged as a focal point within the broader agenda of the LGBT movement since the onset of the 21st century. A portion of this forward movement has been propelled by individuals such as Evan Wolfson, who played a significant role in the Hawaii Baehr v. Lewin case and subsequently established The Freedom to Marry Coalition in 2003 with the aim of championing the cause of marriage equality for same-sex couples. The seminal 2003 Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decision in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, which recognised the constitutional entitlement of same-sex couples in Massachusetts to enter into matrimony, marked the inception of a reactionary response against the institution of same-sex marriage. This counteraction resulted in a substantial diversion of valuable resources within the LGBTQ+ movement towards the pursuit of legalising same-sex marriage (Knight, 1994).

The majority of the kinetic energy of this movement was expended in combatting ballot measures with a discriminatory nature, seeking to prohibit the sacred union of individuals of the same gender. The issue of same-sex marriage has undergone democratic scrutiny through a succession of ballot measures across the United States, commencing in 1998. A total of thirty ballot measures were presented as legislative-referred initiatives with the intention of amending the state constitution in order to prohibit the legal recognition of marriages between individuals of the same sex (APnews, 2023). The aforementioned marriage bans have garnered resounding support from the electorate, prevailing at the ballot box with remarkable majorities. It is worth noting that these bans have encountered defeat on only two occasions, namely in Arizona in 2006 and Minnesota in 2012, as documented by Stone (2012). California Proposition 8, hitherto regarded as the most contentious ballot measure, stands as a singular instance wherein a marriage prohibition has successfully annulled the institution of legalised matrimony. Proposition 8 served as a response to the 2008 ruling by the esteemed California Supreme Court, which had granted legal recognition to marriages between individuals of the same gender. In the realm of the California Supreme Court case and the subsequent campaign, it is noteworthy to acknowledge that a staggering number exceeding 18,000 matrimonial unions of individuals of the same gender were solemnised within the jurisdiction of the state of California. The endeavour undertaken by the LGBT community to combat Proposition 8, coupled with the concerted efforts of the Religious Right, has yielded a staggering sum of over $40 million dollars in campaign funds, thereby surpassing previous records in campaign expenditure. Upon the successful ratification of Proposition 8 during the electoral proceedings of November 2012, a wave of nationwide protests ensued, as the populace expressed their discontent with the imposed marriage prohibition. Subsequently, the Supreme Court was called upon to adjudicate the matter in the case of Hollingsworth versus Perry. While the aforementioned ballot measures have proven to be a fruitful tactic for the Religious Right, it is noteworthy that the LGBT movement achieved a notable series of triumphs during the November 2012 election. This significant turning point materialised as voters in Minnesota resolutely rejected a proposed prohibition on marriage, while voters in Maryland and Washington wholeheartedly affirmed the legislation pertaining to same-sex marriage that had been recently enacted by their respective legislatures. The electorate of Maine, in a display of democratic agency, successfully endorsed the legalisation of same-sex marriage via an initiative spearheaded by the LGBTQ+ community organisers (Philip, 2023).

Marriage did not solely constitute the ultimate objective. Numerous other achievements were realised within the realm of the LGBT movement during this particular temporal epoch. As an illustration, the reversal of sodomy laws within the judicial proceedings of the Supreme Court case Lawrence versus Texas (2003) effectively invalidated preexisting statutes criminalising consensual sexual acts in 14 states of the United States. In the month of October in the year 2009, President Barack Obama affixed his signature to the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, a legislative measure that extended its purview to encompass acts of hate crimes committed against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity alike. Subsequently, President Obama rescinded the prohibition on the inclusion of gay and lesbian individuals within the ranks of service members, albeit the exclusionary policy against transgender service members remains in effect within the United States military.

Numerous endeavours to enact a federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act have regrettably proven fruitless, persisting in their pursuit since the 1970s. Nevertheless, a conspicuous surge in the proliferation of nondiscrimination laws was observed at the municipal level. In the year 2007, a notable milestone was reached in the United States, where a majority of the populace, exceeding fifty percent, found themselves protected by legislation at the state, county, and/or municipal level, specifically designed to combat discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. This marked a significant advancement compared to the situation in 1990, when less than one-third of the population enjoyed the safeguard of such comprehensive legal measures. The New York Times of 2023 reports that a growing multitude of state and municipal legislations have incorporated provisions pertaining to gender identity and expression, thereby affording heightened safeguards for individuals who identify as transgender. The enactment of these local ordinances can be attributed to the burgeoning endorsement of LGBT rights within the collective consciousness of the public, the fortitude exhibited by grassroots advocacy groups at the local level, and the invaluable aid rendered by national organisations.

The LGBT movement has exhibited a growing emphasis on intersectional matters, including but not limited to immigration reform and social security. The phenomenon of transgender organising and media visibility experienced a notable surge, coinciding with the establishment of the inaugural national transgender rights organisation, namely the National Centre for Transgender Equality, in the year 2003.

Statement of research problem

The Vatican, in a momentous announcement on a Monday, revealed that Pope Francis has officially sanctioned the practice of Catholic priests bestowing blessings upon same-sex couples. This marked departure from previous policy represents a profound endeavour to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity within the church, all the while upholding its unwavering prohibition on gay marriage. (CNN News, 2023)

However, while the pronouncement from the Vatican was lauded by certain individuals as a stride towards dismantling prejudice within the Catholic Church, a contingent of LGBTQ+ proponents cautioned that it served to emphasise the church's perception that same-sex unions continue to be subordinate to heterosexual relationships (Punchng, 2023).

The aforementioned document emanating from the Vatican's esteemed doctrine office expounds upon a letter dispatched by His Holiness Pope Francis to two distinguished cardinals of a conservative inclination, which was subsequently made public in the month of October. In the aforementioned preliminary response, Francis posited the notion that the bestowal of such blessings may be deemed appropriate in certain scenarios, provided that said blessings are not misconstrued as being synonymous with the ceremonial act of matrimony. The recently published document reiterates said condition and expounds upon it, thereby reaffirming the notion that matrimony is an enduring alliance exclusively between a male and a female (Vatican News, 2023). Furthermore, it emphasises the imperative that the aforementioned blessings ought not to be intrinsically linked to any particular Catholic commemoration or religious ritual, and must not be bestowed concomitantly with a civil union ceremony. Furthermore, it is imperative to acknowledge that the bestowal of blessings is not contingent upon the utilisation of prescribed rituals, nor does it necessitate the incorporation of customary attire and ceremonial gestures typically associated with matrimonial proceedings. However, it is stipulated that the denial of requests for such blessings for couples of the same sex ought to be avoided. The Vatican News publication of 2023 presents a comprehensive and expansive elucidation of the concept of "blessing" as delineated in the sacred texts. It fervently advocates that individuals who aspire to forge a profound connection with the divine and yearn for divine affection and compassion should not be subjected to an unattainable ethical criterion as a prerequisite for its bestowal.

Objectives of the study

The primary goal of this study is to:

  1. Assess perception of Abak Parish members on Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex.

  2. To find out if Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex would lead to a decline in Catholic membership.

Research questions

  1. How do worshippers of St John's Pro-cathedral Parish Abak perceive Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex?

  2. How do Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex affect Catholic membership?

Research hypothesis

H1: There is a negative public perception of Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex.

H1a: There is a positive public perception of Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex.

H2n: There is no decline Catholic membership owing to Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex affect.

H2a: There is a decline Catholic membership owing to Pope Francis blessing approval for same-sex affect.


Significance of the study

This study aims to uncover the perception of worshippers in St John's Pro-cathedral Parish Abak regarding Pope Francis' approval of same-sex blessings and its impact on Catholic membership. Additionally, it seeks to understand how this approval may contribute to resolving conflicts within the faith community regarding morality. Furthermore, the study will explore the public's overall perception of religion and morality. 

Scope of the study

The findings of this study are limited to the opinions of worshippers in St John's Pro-cathedral Parish Abak, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. The geographical scope of the problem being discussed helps to provide precision. Additionally, this study focuses solely on Pope Francis' approval of same-sex marriage blessings, thus its scope is limited. Although there is significant controversy surrounding gender issues, this study primarily focuses on the approval of same-sex blessings.

Limitations of the study

This study focuses solely on the responses collected from worshippers in St John's Pro-cathedral Parish Abak. Although the findings of this study are valid, there is a possibility of significantly improving the results by expanding the scope to include respondents from other local government areas in Akwa Ibom state, as well as from other states. In addition, this study specifically examined the approval of same-sex marriage blessings. While this narrowed the focus of the study, it would have been beneficial to also consider scholarly opinions on gender-related perceptions, which could have provided a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. However, despite these limitations, the results of this study were not impaired. Instead, these gaps provide opportunities for further studies.

Operational definition of terms

Same-sex: Partners of the same sex and/or gender identity. For example, a marriage between two men or two women.

Gender: the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

Perception: the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

Couple: two people who are married or otherwise closely associated romantically or sexually.
